Friday, July 16, 2010

The Days are Winding Down

Hola todos,

I hope everyone has been enjoying their week. I've had a ton of stuff going on all week, but it's finally dwindling down to an end. Moments ago i just finished my last paper for the summer. All that's left for school is a little studying for my communication final. It's bittersweet.

But, before I get all emotional, let me tell you of my travels. Yesterday turned out to be quite a fun night. Kayla, Emily and I went to a poetry reading that our school was holding. It was pretty interesting. Most of the poems were in Spanish, so I didn't necessarily appreciate them to their fullest, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless. Not to mention we got some really delicious tacos.

Afterwards, a group of us walked to a nearby ice cream place. And let me tell you...Ice cream in Mexico is way better than ice cream in the states. I haven't quite figured out why, but it's far superior. I'm going to miss it.

Then, Emily and I ended up going to hang out at a bar with a few people. It was quite an interesting group. Five white girls and one Mexican guy. I'm sure he was the envy of the bar. It was a pretty chill evening, but I had a lot of fun. We each had a drink or two and shared some good conversation (most of which was in Spanish).

We called it a somewhat early night. Emily and I took a taxi back with Carlos (our Mexican friend) around 12:15. I was probably in bed by 1am.

Today, has been crunch time. I only had one class in the morning, and it pretty much ended up being a study hall. After that class I spent my time at school working on my final essay for English and attempting to study for communication.

It's hard to believe that I'm actually coming home this weekend. It still seem surreal. I'm sure I'm going to be a mess tomorrow.

Oh and by the way, my guitar performance was yesterday and I have a recorded copy if anyone is interested in listening to my mad skills.

It's about dinner time so I think I'm done for tonight. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in just a few days (less than 28 hours!).


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